Our story so far...
Episode 1:
Hyman's Surprise!

Coming attractions...
Episode 2:
"Dear R&D Diary: They're smarter than I thought!..."

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"Welcome Comic Strip Factory Fan.
Rest, kindred spirit, you are among Friends"

"Right, Dude. We use an ancient Levco Prodigy-enhanced Macintosh computer running the absolutely fabulous software package, Comic Strip Factory, which is sadly now 'antique-ware'. It is no longer commercially available. It's getting hard just to keep an old Mac alive that can run it! "

Click to see a large version of this picture of an ancient Mac running Comic Strip Factory...
[ Click to see an enlargement of this photo - ~94 K ]

"Fear no more, friend. Comic Strip Factory is alive and well at Squirrelfeeders.com. We're starting a club of folks in support of keeping Comic Strip Factory alive and well-supported on the Internet. "

"We have lots of ideas based on the interesting self-organizing contacts that have found their way to us already. If you are interested in future developments of the Comic Strip Factory Club, drop us a note. "

(c) 1999-2003 by Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Comic Strip Factory art parts (c) 1986 by Trici Venola and Kurt Wahlner
The e-tail outlet for the R&D Labs of the Institute for the Study of Squirrel-Human Urban Cohabitation