Institute for the Study of Squirrel-Human Urban Cohabitation
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"Right, right. Ok. We're fast-tracking because MegaLoMart is on our tail. I'm Dude Goldberg, design engineer of 'The Goldberg Variations' line of modular, extensible squirrel food delivery and entertainment systems."
"That still doesn't make this a website!
It's just a linear linked collection of HTML pages. You can't call this a site. Where's the value-add? What's the information architecture? This non-site site is an embarrassment."
"Well, possibly. But, we're not done just yet, Dude. We add a splash of color here and there... a homepage button, you know... Todd? Help me out here..." the beginning. Go on...
  (c) 1999-2001 by Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Comic Strip Factory art parts (c) 1986 by Trici Venola and Kurt Wahlner